
《玫瑰色晨光》 / Rosy dawn light

玫瑰色晨光  / Rosy dawn light  100x100cm  壓克力彩  2013

2012年的冬天,台東的某個觀光區辦起了「搭熱氣球」的活動,整天的新聞輪播讓人印象深刻。沒想到在活動結束後的一個月,我竟然踏上前往台東的旅途 ,於是特別前往那個曾經停滿熱氣球的平原一探究竟。

那片吹著初冬微涼的風的廣闊平原並不特別,滿布的短草已經開始輕微的枯萎,抵達草原之時,晨光是玫瑰色的,我想像著一個月之前才剛發生過的故事,漂浮 的熱氣球上一定載著歡樂的人們,輕盈且繽紛,溫暖卻欣喜。

One of a tour district in Tai-Tung held up activities of hot air balloon. The news that last a whole day impressed me. It was a surprise that I was on the trip to Tai-Tung after the activities had finished one month. Therefore I intentionally went to that plain used to be filled with hot air balloons.

This is not a special plain. The cold wind of winter breezed, and the weed on it was withering. The morning when I arrived was covered by the color of rose. I imagined the people here one month ago, and the people on the hot air balloons, they must be happy, warmed, and with joy.

玫瑰色晨光  100x100cm  壓克力彩  2013(局部)
玫瑰色晨光  100x100cm  壓克力彩  2013(局部)
玫瑰色晨光  100x100cm  壓克力彩  2013(局部)

***  以下為創作之前的實驗試探 ***

透明 / transparency   30x30cm  壓克力彩  2013

寧靜的晚霞寧靜的晚霞 / silent sunset  40x40cm  壓克力彩  2012

***  以下為創作之前,色彩的靈感與概念來源 ***

