
出門 - 台灣青年藝術家巴黎聯展

"It is seven hour time difference.
It is in the another side on the Earth.
World is full of imagination. 
With all the excitement and agitation, travelers left home for next destination
Seven hours of difference, Taiwan - France."

For Asian, it is an important event that people leave their home and go to another place/country.
Chhut Mn̂g, meaning of “leave home” in Taiwanese. In the theme of Chhut Mn̂g, those works "travel" to Paris, and the artists would like to introduce their works to the audience here.
A group of Taiwanese young artists came from similar background, spoke same dialect, and wanted to share their creations. This time, they travel 6275 miles from Taiwan to France. They want to communicate with the world by presenting their works with the more sincerely and directly way.

Creator :HAO-WEI CHUNG, BO-XUN HUNG, CHANG-YU LIN, Mr. Ogay, Naive Studio. (followed by alphabetical order)

Opening Ceremonies:08/03/2014 15:00


對於華人而言,離開家前往遠方,是件重大的事情。創作者以「出門」為題進行創 作,讓自己最好的作品「離家遠行」來到巴黎,向法國的觀者展示藝術家重要的作品,並 進行交流。而此次展覽主題「出門」 選擇以地方方言閩南語發音:Chhut Mn̂g,取決於展出藝術家都來自相同語言環境下長大,希望以親切的、在地特色表現出臺灣年輕一輩藝術家的創作特色, 用我們最真誠、直接的語言與方式與世界交流。

展出藝術家:鐘浩緯、黃柏勳、林昶佑、Mr.Ogay、Naive Studio(排序:依造姓氏英文字母排序)

茶會時間:二〇一四年參月捌日 下午參點正

