
宇宙飛行 文 / 劍之舞

宇宙飛行, 30x30cm, 壓克力於畫布, 2011
Fly in Cosmos, 30x30cm, acrylic on canvas, 2011
文 / 劍之舞





There would be always a time that you were stuffed with air, like a balloon, and it was not that easy to get eased like just a little sting on it.
There would be a time you feel satisfied with everything, too satisfied to have anyone pull you when you exploded and flew away to sort of dark abyss, niether to have anyone fly away with you.


I was heavily sick before lunar new year 2014.I felt filled with gas or air all the time and I could not let it out.I used to like this kinds of works. They are merely fair.They are tranquile even the backgrounds are fullfilled.It's lonely when you are sick. Most of people leave you away,and the ones stay are important and who perhaps fly away with you.

