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快樂星球 - 衛星6號(糖果留聲機) 65x65cm 壓克力彩 2012 |
展點 12 號 / Lacoste L!VE
忠孝東路四段 181 巷 35 弄 10 號
黃柏勳的創作元素來自日常生活、想像空 間、動植物,以及感官和視覺的各種經歷和體驗。對黃柏勳來說,透過畫筆與顏料可以跨越既有的時空與界線,進入奇幻華美的創作異境。作品中所展現的,就是在 這片藝術沃土所萌芽、豐收的各式元素,它們彼此互相交疊鑲嵌、解構重組,彷彿是在爭奇鬥艷、相互較勁,但整體視覺卻和諧又平衡、溫柔而富詩意,一場融合形 貌與色彩的歡愉慶典於是展開,邀請每一道具有想像力的目光進入。
LACOSTE L!VE以全新方式詮釋經典LACOSTE符號和品牌DNA,以樂觀和動感為設計主軸,跳脫單調外觀或剪裁,強調服飾及鞋款的新穎和設計同時,也不忘品牌 初衷的根源。另外LACOSTE L!VE也以音樂、時尚、藝術、電影等文化元素作為商品靈感來源,並積極與藝術領域跨界合作。
Huang Bo-Xun draws his inspiration from everyday life, imaginary spaces, flora and fauna, as well as sensory experiences. Huang believes that paints and brushes work to transcend time, space and boundaries, ushering in a land of fantasy and grandeur. The work is a display of the various elements that have taken root and prospered in the wonderland. The elements overlap, embed, break apart, and reassemble themselves, as if staging a beauty contest but also giving off an unusual sense of peace and harmony, tenderness and poetry. The piece is a festival of forms and colors, inviting viewers to see with their imaginations.
Based on a theme of optimism and movement, LACOSTE L!VE reinterprets the classic LACOSTE logo and brand DNA. LACOSTE L!VE breaks away from the monotonous and emphasizes on novelty design for shoes and garments, all the while retaining the spirit and the roots the brand embodies. It also collaborates with the arts industry, drawing inspiration from a range of cultural elements, from music, fashion, art, to movies.
本文轉貼自富邦藝術基金會 , 粉樂町官方網站
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快樂星球 110x110cm 壓克力彩 2011 |
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快樂星球 - 衛星1號(彩虹製造機) 65x65cm 壓克力彩 2011 |
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快樂星球 - 衛星2號(曾經的風景) 65x65cm 壓克力彩 2011 |